- Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble Takes 2-Month Leave
- A Wakeup Call for the Church: Young People Saying 'You Lost Me'
- Hypnosis and Yoga Open Hidden Spiritual Doors
- Why Does Pentecost Matter?
- Seven Keys to Preventing Pastoral Burnout
- LCMS, Anglicans Affirm Common Beliefs; Mull Fighting Homosexuality, Abortion Together
- Why Don't We Experience the Miracles the Apostles Were Capable of?
- Black Gay and Lesbian Pastors Merge Churches to Promote 'Radically Inclusive' Theology
- NC Church Supports Pastor Who Made Anti-Gay Remarks
- Harmful Habits, Addictions: God's 3 P's to Overcoming Them
- Narnia 4 Will Be 'Magician's Nephew,' Not 'Silver Chair'
- What Do Mormons Believe? Ex-Mormon Speaks Out – Part Two
- How to Leave Your Old Church
- Military Chaplains: To Have a Strong Army, We Need Strong Families
- Obama Prays for Fallen Troops in Memorial Day Proclamation
- Supporters of Crosses at Veterans Memorials Launch 'Don't Tear Me Down' Campaign
- The Skinny on Fasting (the Elusive Spiritual Discipline That I Avoid)
- Limbless Evangelist Nick Vujicic Honeymoons With New Wife in Hawaii
- Rev. Marvin Winans Issued With Arrest Warrant After Driving On Suspended License
- Peering Through the Smoke of the Marriage Debate
- NC Congregation Defends Pastor's Sermon on 'Getting Rid' of Homosexuals
- Gay Ex-Romney Adviser: Both Right, Left Uncomfortable With Me
- Bishop Noel Jones and LisaRaye McCoy to Marry?
- Christian War Veteran Talks NATO Protest, War, Faith and Peace
- Pentecost Sunday: Why Some Churches Celebrate It and Some Don't
- Expert: American Misunderstandings on Religious Liberty Affect Efforts Abroad
- Veteran: You Fought for Your Country, Now Set Yourself Free
- Andy Stanley Avoids Gay Issue in Last Sermon of Controversial Series
- Megachurch Pastor Perry Noble Takes 2-Month Leave

Romney Poised to Clinch Republican Nomination Tuesday
Mitt Romney will no longer be called the "presumptive" GOP presidential nominee after Tuesday's Texas primary, which will enable him to secure the 1,144 delegates required to clinch the official title.
Hundreds of Churches Raising Money to Defend Traditional Marriage in Maine
As the state of Maine prepares for a crucial vote in November on the legalization of same-sex marriages, hundreds of churches defending the traditional definition of marriage, as between one man and one woman, have pledged to raise money during Sunday services to help the cause.
Harmful Habits, Addictions: God's 3 P's to Overcoming Them
By June Hunt
My friend Frank suffered many such wounds during his 25-year battle with alcoholism. "For a time, I became a dry drunk," he told me in a letter. "I wasn't drinking, but I had done nothing to quiet the desperation inside my head. I always ended up going back to the bottle."
The Skinny on Fasting (the Elusive Spiritual Discipline That I Avoid)
By Greg Stier
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